Example of the Processing based Kaleidoscope generator.
Currently, I am enrolled in Northeastern University’s Experience Design Master’s Program and one of my classes is “Design for Behavior/Experience”. In our first Behavior Design project, entitled Motion Graphics, I explored the concept of “Choreographic Objects”, a term invented by famed choreographer and artist William Forsythe. Forsythe described his concept as follows: “The introduction of the term ‘choreographic object’ is intended as a categorizing tool that can help identify sites within which to locate the understanding of potential organization and instigation of action-based knowledge” (Neri, 49).
Inspired by Forysthe’s “City of Abstracts” video art installation at Boston’s Institute of Contemporary Art, I sought to create an interactive piece of digital art that provides participants a heightened awareness of their body and its movements. “City of Abstracts” is a video-feedback wall that presents viewers with images of themselves, however these images have various delay and distortion effects that alter, accentuate, and transform the movement of the participants on the screen.
City of Abstracts by William Forsythe.
This unexpected distortion of the image encourages participants to experiment with body movement in order to see the various effects playing out. In this vein, I decided to create a choreographic object that would create an “awareness” in participants of how their physical movements and gestures could be used to create digital art. Our goal was to examine how an artifact can direct people to perform actions with their bodies as well as how it can encourage or discourage certain behaviors.
Forsythe says “The Choreographic Objects are neither primarily optical nor purely aesthetic, but conceived as a set of problems and relationships- a ‘combination of perceptual systems’” (Neri, 13). It was this “combination” of the senses that we wanted to explore by using a Kinect motion sensor to transform body actions into kaleidoscopic images. Louise Niri explains that “A principle feature of a choreographic object is the preferred outcome is a form of knowledge production for whoever engages with it, engendering an acute awareness of the self within specific action schemata” (49).
My artifact encouraged this knowledge production by requiring participants to move in space with their body and arms to learn what positions, planes of movement, and gestures would generate a response. Quickly one learned that certain spaces were more active in producing imagery and certain gestures were required for various effects.
Niri goes on to say that, “A choreographic object is, by nature, open to a full range of unmediated perceptual instigations…These objects are examples of specific physical circumstances that isolate fundamental classes of motion activation and organization” (49). It was found that due to the way we programmed the inputs for this experiment (using hand position as input), certain movements were optimal in producing rich imagery while others were not. This quickly trained the participants to make sweeping hand gestures and explore the active area by moving left and right, and even up and down via standing and squatting.
The visualization itself was creating with the Processing visualization framework as well as the Kinect SDK 2.0 and the KinectPV2 library.
At first I created a Kaleidoscope generator that just took the mouse X/Y position as input so I could get that part working.
Example of the Processing based Kaleidoscope generator.
Once I was satisfied with the overall behavior using the mouse, I used the KinectPV2 library to integrate my Kinect sensor with the Processing application. The system was set up with a Kinect Sensor, a Surface tablet, and a LED projector:
Diagram of project component set-up.
The overall mapping of gestures to input was:
Right hand X – Shape X position
Right hand Y – Shape Y position
Right hand Z – Shape color / size
Left hand X/Y- Shape velocity/vector
It took a bit of experimentation and iteration to figure out how to translate the X/Y/Z positions available on both the right and left hands via the Kinect body tracking to coordinates that provided satisfactory results for the device. Overall, I was fairly happy with the results, especially considering this was a quick, two-week sketch of a project.
Going forward, I would like to explore these concepts further by connecting more parts of the body to different properties of the software (for example, perhaps the right and left knees control the shape’s Y and Z rotation, etc) to create a richer language of interaction for participants and allow them to explore the concept of action-based knowledge. In any case, I had a lot of fun getting familiar with the Processing framework and learning more about motion-tracking in my first Kinect-based project.
Neri, Louise, Eva Respini. William Forsythe Choreographic Objects. Prestel, 2018.
Verbeek, Peter-Paul. “Beyond Interaction: A Short Introduction to Mediation Theory”. Interactions (ACM), vol. 22, (3, 2015), pp. 26-31.
The Beta Playtest 2.0 for Placebo Effect is now in progress and we are listening to your feedback!
The fast-paced shooter action that you have come to love just got even better because we’ve added more precision and speed to the Shotbot! It’s time to play Placebo Effect again to try out the new gameplay and let us know what you think!
Add Placebo Effect to your Wishlist and sign up on our website placeboeffectgame.com for more news about the Game and Trading Cards!
Here are just a few of the updates we’ve made based on your feedback:
• Increased speed and faster turn time:
Increased movement and turning speed.
• Updated shooting system with raycast bullets for precision shooting:
Improved shooting behavior.
• Performance improvements for increased frame-rate:
Performance improvements to increase frame-rate.
• Updated keyboard controls with mouse-based steering:
Updated keyboard controls now support mouse-based steering.
• Menus now support Keyboard and Controller navigation plus custom key mapping:
Improved menu navigation and custom key mapping.
• Plus general bug fixes…
Have fun! We look forward to getting your feedback! If you haven’t signed up for a beta key, go to placeboeffectgame.com and get on the list.
Part III – Extending the blend shader (normal map, metallic map, specular map, etc.) (Coming Soon)
Part II – Creating a blend shader
Hello, and welcome back to our series on writing Unity Standard Surface Shaders.
Last time we went over the basics of writing a Unity Standard Surface Shader that would control the surface color of an object. Today we are going to add support for transparency, add support for applying a bitmap texture, and then add support for blending between two bitmap textures.
Adding Transparency
If you recall from last time, we ended up with a simple shader that can only control an object’s surface color, as seen below.
The basic shader from Part 1 controls surface color.
The shader code we ended up with last time was this:
Shader "Custom/TestShader2" {
Properties {
_Color ("My Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1) // The input color exposed in the Unity Editor, defined as type "Color" and set to rgba 1,1,1,1 (solid white)
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
// Physically based Standard lighting model,
// enable shadows on all light types
#pragma surface surf Standard
// This Input struct is required for the "surf" function
struct Input {
float2 x;
fixed4 _Color; // A variable to store rgba color values
// This "surf" surface function with this signature is required
// It is executed for each pixel of the objects with this shader
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) {
// Albedo comes is tinted by a color
fixed4 c = _Color; // Get the _Color value
o.Albedo = c.rgb; // Set the "Albedo" or diffuse color rgb
FallBack "Diffuse" // Revert to legacy shader if this shader-type not supported
Let’s add support for transparency by changing a few lines our code. First, update the “Tags” line and change from using the “Opaque” queue to the “Transparent” queue:
This lets the rendering engine know the order in which to render this object and that it should be rendered with the transparent objects after the opaque objects. Next, update the #pragma surface… directive to include the “alpha” keyword.
#pragma surface surf Standard alpha
Finally, update the surf() surface function to apply the alpha value of the _Color input property:
o.Alpha = _Color.a;
We now have the following shader code:
Shader "Custom/TestShader3" {
Properties {
_Color ("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
SubShader {
Tags {"Queue"="Transparent" "RenderType"="Transparent" }
// The "alpha" keyword is added to the surface directive
#pragma surface surf Standard alpha
struct Input {
float2 x;
fixed4 _Color;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) {
// Albedo comes from a texture tinted by color
fixed4 c = _Color;
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
o.Alpha = _Color.a;
FallBack "Diffuse"
Change the name to “TestShader3” and then save this file as TestShader3.shader. When create a new Material with this shader and apply it to an object, we can now control the object’s transparency by manipulating the alpha value of the Material’s color property.
The shader now supports transparency.
Adding a bitmap texture
Colors are great and all, but surfaces look much more interesting when we can apply bitmap textures to them, so let’s do that next.
Within the Properties block at the top, add a new input property called _MainTex:
_MainTex ("Albedo (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
We have given the var a type of “2D” (which is an 2D image texture) and set the default value as a solid white image. The name of this property in the Unity Inspector will be “Albedo (RGB)”. Remember, albedo is the term used for the un-shaded surface color of an object. If you save this file as a new shader and then apply it to a Material in unity, you can see there is now an “Albedo (RBG)” property that accepts an image.
We now have the “Albedo (RBG)” property exposed in the editor.
However, this image will not be visible on your material because it is not being applied in the surface function. In order to do this, first update the Input struct to handling the input texture:
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
Now the input structure of a surface shader requires that the texture coordinates be named starting with either “uv” or “uv2” and then should correspond to your input property name.
We then must add a variable to handle input property, just as we did for _Color. Since this main texture property is an image, we will use the type sampler2D:
sampler2D _MainTex;
Great! Now we are ready to alter the heart of the surf() surface function in order to apply this bitmap.
Take a look at the line fixed4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex) * _Color; which is what applies the texture. As you can see, we pass the texture property _MainTex and the uv_MainTex input struct to the built-in tex2D() function and then multiply that by the _Color property. The tells the shader that for each pixel on the object, get the image pixel color at this location and apply the chosen color. This value is stored in the c variable, which is then applied to the o.Albedo and o.Alpha properties. Simple!
Now we can apply a bitmap texture to our Material.
Cool, we now have a basic surface shader that allows us to support color, transparency, and a bitmap texture.
Shader "Custom/TestShader3" {
Properties {
_Color ("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_MainTex ("Albedo (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Tags {"Queue"="Transparent" "RenderType"="Transparent" }
// Physically based Standard lighting model
#pragma surface surf Standard alpha
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
fixed4 _Color;
sampler2D _MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) {
// Albedo comes from a texture tinted by color
fixed4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex) * _Color;
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
o.Alpha = c.a;
FallBack "Diffuse"
Blending between two bitmaps
Now let’s start add a second bitmap texture to the shader for blending. In the Properties block of the shader add new properties for _BlendColor and _BlendTex, which are basically duplicates of the existing _Color and _MainTex properties.
If we save this to a new shader file and apply that to a Material in Unity, we can see the new properties in the Inspector.
The new Blend properties are visible, now.
We then need to add the new bitmap variable texture coordinates into the Input struct:
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex; // This line was already present
float2 uv_BlendTex;
Next we need to make sure we have variables inside the shader to handle the new properties. After the line fixed4 _Color; add variables to handle the new Properties.
fixed4 _Color; // This line was already present
sampler2D _MainTex; // This line was already present
fixed4 _BlendColor;
sampler2D _BlendTex;
Finally, in our surf() function, we need to calculate the the new blend inputs and then add them to the original texture and color values.
But wait! Something is wrong. The textures don’t blend properly and when we make the object semi-transparent, we see shadow color is bright:
Something isn’t quite right here!
Simply adding the two colors together doesn’t produce the desired effect, which is a nice blend between two textures. What we need is a way to control the amount of contribution from each texture so we can smoothly transition between 100% Texture A to 100% Texture B. We will do that by adding another Property called _Blend that will be a float value from 0-1.
This will create a range slider in the Inspector allowing the user to input values between 0.0-1.0. For our purposes 0 will mean show 100% of the main texture and 1.0 will show 100% of the blend texture. A value of 0.5 will display a 50/50 mix between both textures.
Finally, we need to add a half _Blend; declaration to handle this new variable and then update our surf() function to make sure it properly combines the main texture with the blend texture at the specified percentages:
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) {
// Albedo comes from a texture tinted by color
fixed4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex) * _Color;
fixed4 b = tex2D (_BlendTex, IN.uv_BlendTex) * _BlendColor;
// Set the Albedo and alpha to the main texture combined with the blend texture based on the blend amount
o.Albedo = (c.rgb * (1-_Blend)) + (b.rgb * (_Blend));
o.Alpha = (c.a * (1- _Blend)) + (b.a * _Blend);
Our function now blends the proper percentages between the main and blend textures depending on the slider value. Let’s test it by blending a semi-transparent, green-tinted checkerboard texture with an opaque, non-tinted wood texture.
The updated shader properly blends between the two textures.
The completed (basic) blend shader
We now have a shader that allows us to blend smoothly between two bitmap textures including individual color and alpha value support!
A shader that allows blending between two textures.
That’s pretty awesome! Join in next time when we will add support for all the shader features you know and love like normal maps, specular maps, emission maps, etc. See you soon!
Hello and welcome to the first in what will become a series on esoteric Unity subjects that came up during the making of our game, Placebo Effect. Today, I will talk about my journey into learning how to create customized Unity shaders in HLSL (High Level Shading language). For those unfamiliar with 3d shaders, they are used to control the way surfaces look on 3d objects. Shaders apply colors, textures and image effects to Materials and can create many highly detailed and interesting visual effects in an efficient manner.
Part III – Extending the blend shader (normal map, metallic map, specular map, etc.) (Coming Soon)
Part I – Creating a basic shader
In our game, we have a variety of organic objects and we wanted them to be able to slowly change to a damage-texture over time based on the object’s health. The goal was to smoothly transition between the non-damage texture to the damaged texture. I assumed that it would be easy to find a shader that would allow me to control the amount of blend between two textures but I didn’t find any suitable ones out there so I decided to write my own (despite having no previous shader knowledge or experience). I wanted to be able to mix textures like this:
I wanted to create a shader that allows blending between two textures.
Here is how I went about creating the blend shader of my dreams (if you just want to grab the code, skip to Part II). I started by creating a new Unity 3D project named “ShaderTest”. In the new scene that is created by default, I created a capsule to test out our new shaders. I then created a new shader by right-clicking in the project window and choosing:
Create > Shader > Standard Surface Shader
I named the new shader “TestShader”.
Create a new Standard Surface Shader.
As you can see, there are several types of shaders, but all we care about for now is the Standard Surface Shader. Now, create a new Material so we can test out our shader. Select the newly created Material, then choose “Custom/TestShader” from the top of the Inspector panel.
Choose the newly created Shader in the Material’s Inspector panel.
Note how the newly created Material with the new TestShader already has some default parameters shown, such as “Color”, “Abedo (RGB)”, “Smoothness”, and “Metallic”. This is because these properties are built into the default shader template file.
Some properties are already created for you in the default shader template.
Now, double-click the TestShader file to open it in Visual Studio (or your text-editor of choice) and look at the “Properties” block at the beginning of the file:
Notice how these properties match the one’s exposed in the Unity editor, and the names given to them in quotes (“Color”, “Smoothness”, etc.) become the property descriptions in the Unity editor. (For more info on writing surface shaders, go here).
Standard Surface Shader Basics
For the simplicity of our discussion we are going to remove all of this automatically generated code and strip our shader down to the basics. Let’s start by creating a shader that does nothing but control the surface color of an object, the complete shader will look like this:
Shader "Custom/TestShader2" {
Properties {
_Color ("My Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1) // The input color exposed in the Unity Editor, defined as type "Color" and set to rgba 1,1,1,1 (solid white)
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
// Physically based Standard lighting model,
// enable shadows on all light types
#pragma surface surf Standard
// This Input struct is required for the "surf" function
struct Input {
float2 x;
fixed4 _Color; // A variable to store rgba color values
// This "surf" surface function with this signature is required
// It is executed for each pixel of the objects with this shader
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) {
// Albedo comes is tinted by a color
fixed4 c = _Color; // Get the _Color value
o.Albedo = c.rgb; // Set the "Albedo" or diffuse color rgb
FallBack "Diffuse" // Revert to legacy shader if this shader-type not supported
If you copy this code into a file named TestShader2.shader, and then apply this new “TestShader2” shader to a new Material, you will see now a simplified set of properties in the Inspector. You can see that only the “Color” property is exposed.
Notice how this basic shader now only has the “Color” property exposed.
Let’s break down each part of this shader file to understand what is happening. The first part of the file defines a new Shader, and the part in quotes informs you of the Shader’s name and folder location in the Material’s Shader selection drop-down.
Shader "Custom/TestShader2" { }
Next comes the “Properties” section which defines input properties for the shader. Our shader exposed a variable named _Color with the type of fixed4. This datatype hold four fixed floating point values representing a pixel’s Red, Blue, Green, and Alpha color channels.
Properties {
// The input color exposed in the Unity Editor, defined
// as type "Color" and set to rgba 1,1,1,1 (solid white)
_Color ("My Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
Next comes the Subshader block. Every surface shader has its code placed inside a “SubShader” block.
SubShader { }
Now, we have:
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
This tells the rendering engine the z-depth order in which to render this object, as unity renders opaque objects, transparent objects, and effects in a specific order. When dealing with transparent objects, the rendering engine needs to know that these get rendered after opaque objects at the same z-depth. For our purposes today, we will use Opaque.
Next, comes this structure:
The core of the shader will be in this CGPROGRAM .. ENDCG block.
Then we have the #pragma surface directive:
#pragma surface surf Standard
The pragma keyword tells the compiler it is about to receive some special instructions. The #pragma surface directive has the following form:
Note the surface keyword at the beginning and then the definition of the surfaceFunction. In our shader, we have defined this function name here as “surf” and then defined the “surf()” function down below. The other required parameter is the lightModel, which can be of type Standard, StandardSpecular, BlinnPhong, Lambert, or a custom model that you provide (more information on these properties is available here).
Next, we create the “Input” struct which is required for our “surf()” function. I define an x variable here because I need something just to create the struct, this x variable is not actually used.
struct Input {
float2 x;
Next we need a definition of the _Color variable, which is needed to take the color value _Color from the input properties at the top. These variable names must match.
fixed4 _Color;
Now we come to the fun part, the “surf()” function that applies color to each pixel.
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) {
You can see we have the “Input” struct being passed in as well as the “o” output parameter which we will use inside the function to control the surface color.
We have now reached the meat of the shader, the code inside the surface function:
fixed4 c = _Color; // Get the _Color value
o.Albedo = c.rgb; // Set the "Albedo" or diffuse color rgb
As you can see, we simply get the “_Color” variable’s value and the apply the RGB component to the “o” variable’s “Albedo” property which controls unlit surface color. The “Standard” surface shader’s output object has the following properties:
fixed3 Albedo; // base (diffuse or specular) color
fixed3 Normal; // tangent space normal, if written
half3 Emission; // Emission (surface lighting) color
half Metallic; // 0=non-metal, 1=metal
half Smoothness; // 0=rough, 1=smooth
half Occlusion; // occlusion (default 1)
fixed Alpha; // alpha for transparencies
As you can see, we have just barely scratched the (wait for it…) surface in writing Unity Standard Surface Shaders, but I hope this was a good introduction to the basics. Next time, we will look at adding a bitmap texture to this shader and then blending between two bitmaps in the same shader.
Welcome to the Rapt Interactive News blog! We just returned from PAX East 2018 which took place on April 5-8 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center in Boston, MA. We showed a playable demo of the game Placebo Effect and it was a great opportunity to get some real play-testing in with gamers. There were tens of thousands of people in attendance and we really had a blast meeting them and having them try out our game.
Our booth was set up in the Indy area with a lot of other very interesting, smaller companies. We had two demo computer stations set up to play the game, with a secondary large monitor duplicating one of the demo stations. In hindsight, we should have probably had at least three demo stations due to the fact many people were waiting to get a chance to play.
Our booth was pretty much packed all day with people playing through our entire demo level and even returning to the booth because the wait got a bit long at times. We must have had 400-500 people test out our pre-beta demo level over the four days of PAX. It was immensely helpful to have a bunch of people play our game so we could observe them and hear their thoughts on what was good and what needed work. The people that played the demo provided us with great suggestions and feedback on all aspects of the game which we are using to help us refine and polish.
So, now we are home and back to bug fixing and level building. We are going to be incorporating a lot of everyone’s feedback into further iterations of the game so we can make this game achieve its full potential. We plan to release a Placebo Effect beta demo on Steam Early Access before the end of May 2018 so please sign up for that at PlaceboEffectGame.com. Thanks so much for your encouragement and support!